Special Advisor
千地 泰弘
Yasuhiro Chiji
国内ではNHK紅白歌合戦で話題の大衣裳や演劇、舞台、歴史ドラマなどの衣裳を数々手掛ける。また海外ではLAハリウッドで「YUZEN CHIJIの世界」を発表後、スペイン、オランダ、オーストリア、NYなどで著名な舞台の衣裳デザインを手掛ける傍ら着物を通じた文化交流に尽力する。
Japan's world-renowned yuzen artist.
His father is a Buddhist painter, and he spent three years working with his father on a large mural painting at the Nishi-Honganji temple in Los Angeles. After returning to Japan, he became fascinated with the world of Kyoto yuzen and began his career as a yuzen artist.
In Japan, he has designed costumes for NHK's popular Kohaku Uta Gassen (Red and White Singing Contest), as well as for numerous plays, stages, and historical dramas. Overseas, after presenting "The World of YUZEN CHIJI" in Hollywood, he has designed costumes for famous stage productions in Spain, Holland, Austria, New York, etc., while also devoting.
He has also been active worldwide as a yuzen artist, including being appointed as an advisory designer to the Duchess of Alba, the highest-ranking member of the Spanish aristocracy.